Cyberbullying on Social

By: Miguel Porrata

Person Communicating

Dear Safety Sam,

I am having this issue where I am yearning for likes on social media. I need your help to try and suppress this issue by supporting me to try and trying to bring me back to reality rather than living in this virtual world.

I just feel that if my “friends” do not respond or like my posts on Instagram I just do not think that they can be allowed to be in my life anymore if they do not support me on social media. It is just I need you to help me in ways that I have never even thought of before.

All I want is to become famous online because that is the way I believe is the only right way to live. I have shut out people because they did not want to like all my posts, so I had to get rid of them. Social media is always going to be a part of my life, it is just a fact, but it is starting to get to a point where I am not talking to family because of my want for more on social media.

All I need from you is a path for me to follow to break through this barrier on my way to a normal life.

Trying to escape from the matrix,

Virtual World Vanesa

Dear Virtual Vanesa,

You are getting confused about what is real and what is not. Things we read tell us about what is happening around the world, but those are not THE THINGS.

If I show you a picture of a rabbit, you cannot get the picture. The rabbit in the picture does not know that you like it. If you want to pet a rabbit you have to find one in real life.

In the real world, a friend can send you memes and videos and likes, but those things are not friends. With a real friend, you can play sports like basketball, you can call them and have a conversation, and tell them how they feel about the sound of their voices. When you see them, you can see from their faces what they are feeling. You can cheer them up, you can give them a hug. This is life.

Why do you care so much about what is on social media? Is it because you care more about what the people who follow you think about you than about what you are feeling and thinking and doing in your life?

Do not get me wrong – social media is great. For example, “Majorities of teens believe social media helps people their age diversifies their networks, broaden their viewpoints and get involved with issues they care about” according to the Pew Research Center.

But online friendships are not as strong as real friendships. According to Pew Research Center, “Friendships can turn sour and require teens to prune their friend or follower lists.” Your online friends can just disappear one day.

Your online friends will not be there forever. A real-life friend can stay if you spend time with them. Your whole life!


Safety Sam