Helping Insecurities on Social Media

By: Gwyn Roszko

Social Influencer Zendaya

Dear Safety Sam,

I have been feeling very insecure about myself since getting on Instagram and it is because of all the models and such on there. Like Matt Noszko or Zendaya - they look so good compared to me and my friends.

It is making me feel disgusted about my body and I don’t like it. So, Safety Sam, what can I do to stop feeling so insecure?

Body Image Concered,

Anxious Aisha.

Dear Anxious Aisha,

I can relate to your problem. I, myself, am a teen who gets very insecure when on social media. Seeing all the models and people who have better lives than you can cause this. agrees: “We live in a world where we frequently see the edited version of people’s lives…. You may find it difficult not to compare yourself to it all, thinking: Their lives are amazing! They have such talent! And as for my life and me… well, I just don’t match up. This is a trap for many people. But there are ways to avoid it, or at least break free… and they are well worth learning.”

Things that help me stop feeling insecure are limiting my social screen time and finding off-screen things to connect me to people. recommends finding activities or hobbies you enjoy or sports you like. This will help distract you from your phone and not be as tempted to use it as much. agrees: find all the things you have goals for in life and focus on them. Doing this will help you feel better about yourself, and you will not be as insecure. That’s it for now.


Safety Sam.