
Dear Safety Sam,
I am struggling with my sleep schedule being on social media.
I think that my 5 rh daily on most social media apps have something to do with it. I am starting to see how addicted I am to my phone, and it is making me lose a lot of sleep and I am falling behind and asleep in school.
At one point I had about 30 min – an hour of sleep on average. Also, randomly at school I find myself dozing off, missing important info, and falling out of my seat from dreams! Like this one time I was getting chased by a giant chicken and woke up and fell straight on my butt.
My life has been a disaster at this point I am surprised I am not labeled as narcoleptic.
So, Safety Sam, what can I do to lessen my screen time in general?
Sleepless, Suzie
Dear Sleepless Suzie,
It is a good thing you reached out to me. A lot of people deal with the same thing you are, so you are not alone.
Social media has some good things and bad things. So, if you find yourself addicted log out and do not return. But if you find yourself able to manage your use here is some advice for you.
Use social media for the good things and do things in real life that social media is not good for. Focus on yourself, Sleep Schedule.set up a sleep schedule, hang out with friends, go on a walk, take power naps, reward yourself for doing self-care, and even create a schedule for your day.
After you think you are good and will not be addicted to social media anymore you can log back in. But make sure to limit your time on it so this does not happen again.
Sincerely, Safety Sam