How Can I Quit My Phone?

By Julian S

Quote from

Dear Safety Sam,

I have a problem with social media, but I can’t quit for some reason. I always feel anxious when I am not on it. I am starting to feel like I need at least a break or quit social media. Social media is causing way too many problems for me. At night I can’t go to sleep because I am on social media and then when I go to school, I am tired and go to sleep at school and learn nothing.

I need your help to help me avoid being depressed and give me advice on how to avoid terrible things on social media that may cause anxiety and depression. Like looking on social media and having to look at other people and how perfect they are. I want to look in the mirror and look just like them, but I can’t. I just want to be like them so badly that it is ruining me.

I am afraid and worried of having my depression get worse. I do not want to be so addicted to social media and make me worry more. Many people in this world suffer with the same problem as me. So, I want help before it’s to late.

I hope in the future I can be mentally and physically healthy again and quit social media. But I need your help to overcome social media. I hope one day I also spread awareness on my own situation and help others just like you. So, Safety Sam, I need you to help me to not be addicted to social media anymore.


Anxious Abby

Dear Anxious Abby,

I completely understand what you’re going through, I have had to deal with the same thing myself. I know how annoying it is to not be able to stop and just put it down. I almost lost myself in it, but I got help and I'm glad I can try to help you.

I think you can benefit from doing research like I did. I got some of my information from “Thinking About Taking a Social Media Break? Here Are 10 Things That Happen When You Quit Social Media” It shows a couple of negative effects of quitting social media, but it is so worth it. Overall, it shows pros of quitting like “Your mental health will improve. While you may feel discontent shortly after quitting social media, the truth is “logging out” (or off) is beneficial to your mental health. In fact, numerous studies have shown a direct correlation between depression and excessive social media use.” This just means that too much social media can be a direct link to depression.

Social media can be a killer to metal health, and you have experienced it first had and so have I and honestly research will be your best friend in this situation. You can use the website heres’s a short paragraph on this topic “Human beings need face-to-face contact to be mentally healthy. Nothing reduces stress and boosts your mood faster or more effectively than eye-to-eye contact with someone who cares about you. The more you prioritize social media interaction over in-person relationships, the more you’re at risk for developing or exacerbating mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.” This also shows the negative effects of social media.

As teens, we are taught that we need to be on social media, and we need to know everything that is going on and that is breaking us down. We are breaking down because of the high standards we are introduced to and the heavy topics plaguing the world and we do not need that in our lives this young. Annie, you can help stop this by educating others and I will do the same. We can help make the world a better place.

Your friend,

Safety Sam