Ask Safety Sam(antha)
Ever since the Pandemic "quarantine", many students have moved far more deeply into into the virtual worlds of social media than may be healthy for their mental health.
What do you do when you look around and all you see are mirrors with like buttons? Read our Safety Sam(antha) advice column and get help from your peers (and the news articles they find to answer your questions)!

Anxious Abby
I have a problem with social media, but I can’t quit for some reason. I always feel anxious when I am not on it. I am starting to feel like I need at least a break or quit social media. ...

Anxious Aisha
I have been feeling very insecure about myself since getting on Instagram and it is because of all the models and such on there. Like Matt Noszko or Zendaya - they look so good compared to me and my friends.

Anxious Annie
I have a problem with social media, but I can’t quit for some reason. I always feel anxious when I am not on it. I am starting to feel like I need at least a break or quit social media.....

Distressed Donnie
All I see on Instagram and Snapchat are unrealistic standards. For example, yesterday I saw a teen girl on Instagram with a perfect body and paper white teeth. I keep seeing things like that and all I can think of is how I can change....

Read the Renagade!
Students had the choice to write Safety Sam advice columns or compose satirical news articles.
Please visit the Renaissance Renagade to read our student satire!

Virtual Vanessa
I am yearning only for likes on social media. I feel that if my “friends” do not respond or like my posts on Instagram I just do not think that they can be allowed to be in my life anymore. Can you help bring me back to reality?